Grand Island Lions Board Meeting Minutes 2019

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors meeting 1-23-2019
Attendance: 9 in attendance:  Lion Shelia, Lion Paul K, Lion Tom R, Lion Tom W, Lion Dick, Lion Fred, Lion Bob, Lion Brooks and Lion Donna, member at large Lion Paul Bassette
By laws: Lion Kelly, Lion Tom , Lion Shelia and Lion Anne
Proposed changes to the by laws
By laws, Article I, Section 2, p12 – Good standing.  Deleted due to duplication in Section 7 – Failure to pay
By laws, Article I, Section 7, pg 13 – Failure to pay; replace “shall” with “will”
Failure to pay, members will be dropped.
By laws, Article I, Section 8, pg 13 – Attendance:
Current: Annual perfect attendance awards are available to members who have attended every regularly scheduled meeting of this club for any 12 consecutive months otherwise making up any missed meetings in accordance with the attendance make-up rules of the club, if any.
Proposed change: Annual attendance awards are available to members who have accrued 15 points (or 20 or 25?) During the current Lion Year based upon the following activities.  Each attendance is valued at 1 point each:
Regular club meetings, Melvin Jones and Uplinger ward meetings, Peace Poster contest meeting, scholarship
Club Board of Directors meetings
Twin Club meetings
Club fundraisers: White Cane, Spaghetti Dinner, Taste of GI, Garage Sale, proposed Meat raffle
Club service projects: Special Kids Picnic, Meals on Wheels, vision screenings, July 4th parade, Buffalo News Kids day; Loan Closet, eyeglass collection, sorting and delivery.
Publication of Club newsletter, submission of club news to media.
District functions including cabinet meeting, advisory committee meetings (ACMs) and sub district conventions
Multiple (state) functions including, but not limited to, annual conventions.
Lions International functions including, but not limited to, annual conventions
By Laws, Article II, Section 6, pg 14 – Election Committee
Current: Election Committee,  Proposed: Election Meeting
By Laws, Article III, Section 5, pg 17 -Treasurer Add (8) Treasurer will be responsible to file IRS Form 990-N for the previous Lions year ending June30 no earlier than July 15th of the new Lions year and no later than November 15th of the current Lions year.
Bylaws, Article V, Section 3, pg 20 – Regular Club Meetings
Current: This club shall meet regularly the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, except during the months of July and August at a location recommended by the board of directors
Proposed: This club will meet twice a month in September, October, March, April, May and once a month in November, December, January, February and June at a location recommended by the board of directors.
Bylaws, Article VI, Section 1, pg 20-21 – entrance fee:
Current:  $25
Proposed:  $35 (current International fee – not prorated)
By laws, Article VI, Section 2, pg 21 – Annual dues
Current:  Members will receive notice and invoice by April 15th t o be paid by May 15th after a time a member may be dropped.
Proposed:  Members will receive notice via email and or regular mail by April 15th to by paid by June 15th.  A member who has not paid by June 16th will be dropped.
We need to develop a way to keep track of who is in attendance. Lion Dick made a motion for 25 Lion Activity Points to achieve perfect attendance.  All in favor.
Motion to accept the By laws revision Lion Dick, seconded by
Lion Paul K. Lion Tom will compile this information to go to email to the club for a vote.  All in favor.
There are some members that do not use email, if there is a motion that needs to be voted on, these members need to be called.  Do we need to have a protocol to assure that this happens?  If a member needs to put out a email vote the president and or first vice president needs to be notified and designate someone that makes sure that all are contacted. This will looked into further by Lion Tom W.
Welfare Balance is running a bit low. It is recommended that the welfare fund run a balance of $1000, we will move a $1000 from the General to the Welfare.  Motion was made to transfer the money by Paul Krupa seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor.  This is due to lack of funding from Bon Ton fundraising and garage sale and 6 people that did not pay for the placemat ads for 2018 Spaghetti Dinner, Lion Shelia and Lion Dick will take care of the contacting the businesses that continue to owe the contribution.
Motion to reimburse Tom W $10 for postage, Lion Paul Krupa, seconded by Lion Fred all in favor.
One correction:  Lion Bob, Lion Bob’s name was signed at the bottom for eyeglass collection in the dispatch.  Lion Bob wanted to clarify that this article in the Island Dispatch was a Club project.  This will go out in the newsletter to all club members.
Motion to adjourn Lion Tom R, seconded by Bob Goulding, all in favor, meeting adjourned 9:10 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club
Board of Directors meeting 2/27/2019
Attendance: 8 in attendance:  Lion Shelia, Lion Tom R, Lion Tom W, Lion Dick, Lion Fred, Lion Bob, and Lion Donna, member at large Lion Norm Hahn.
No business to discuss.
adjourned 7:02 PM
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

March 13th 2019
8:34 BOD meeting called to order.
Lion Kelly suggested a Pancake Breakfast for a fundraiser. It was tabled.
Lion Dick updated us on the loan closet
No new or old business
8:45 motion to adjourn Tom W second Anne
 Respectfully submitted. Lion Anne Fahning

Grand Island Lions Board Meeting
April 10, 2019
12 in attendance: Henry Lobl, Annette Bois-Lobl, Anne Fahning, Tom Witkowski, Fred Ruocco, Shelia Ferrentino, Dick Crawford, Paul Bassette, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee.
Do we have a pay pal account? If we have a paypal account people who are purchasing placement ads can pay by paypal.  Perhaps Venmo. 
There are 4 more that need to pay from last year.  3 of the 4 are taken care of by Lion Dick.  Lion Shelia will ask Nate McMurray.
Old business, no new business.
Motion to adjourn: Lion Anne, seconded Lion Paul K.
Meeting adjourned 8:43

Board of Directors, Meeting
Hanna Realty, June 26,2019

Attending: Dick Crawford, Tom Di John, Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino. Bob Goulding, Paul Krupa, Henry and Annette Lobl, Kelly Mc Garvey, Tom Rusert, Tom Witkowski.
LP Shelia called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.
Corresponding Secretary report: Kelly reported that we received a note from transfer member Ann Ryan.
Spaghetti Dinner Dick Crawford reported that a donation was made for $60 From a friend who could attend. There are 5 outstanding checks for ass.
Lion Fred stated that he has taken a job in Arizona with the Dental school.. He and Tammy are relocating this summer. The Directors thanked him for his many years of service and wished him all good things.
MOW- Shelia reported that one route was not picked up last week. This created aback-up. Annette will e-mail the people responsible for the next date to remind them.
Treasurer’s Report. Tom reported that the Club has received its allotment from the Community Foundation of Buffalo for $1500.
Tom W. made a motion to donate $250 to Vivela Casa for the feeding of Congolese refugees. Tom Rusert 2nd.  Passed by 11 yes. 0 nos.
The new DG Regina Cecconi is applying for a grant for $5000 for a district wide membership drive.  Tom W made a motion to donate $100 for this grant. 2nd by Dick. Discussion. Passed unanimously.
Initiation Fee. 3 new members were not told there was a $25 fee. Tom W.  made a motion to waive the fee. 2nd by Tom rusert. Discussion. Passed by 11 yes. New member Kim will be reimbursed the fee. The fees will be reimbursed under the new membership grant initiative.
Tom W reported that the Friendship Picnic is at St. Davids 8/11/19. Details in the District Newsletter.
The first Cabinet meeting will be at Pendleton town Park on 8/01/19.
New Member. Dick nominated a new member Brad Bowman and provided information. He made a motion to approve Brad as a member. 2nd by Tom W. Passed unanimously..
Lawn Mower Race. Dick reported that $450 was collected.  Food and beverage will be paid out of this. The remainder will go to relay for Life.
Special Kids Picnic Annette reported that the schedule is the same for set-up etc. A request was made to tone the music volume lower. Annette will talk with Pat Patterson.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm.
Annette Boies Lobl for Donna Lavallee.
Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors Meeting
 August 7, 2019

Attendance: (7 in attendance) Paul Krupa, Henry Lobl, Annette Lobl, Tom Witkowski, Kelly McGarvey, Paul Bassette, Donna Lavallee
Lion President Paul Krupa. called the meeting to order at 6:36PM.
Motion to accept the minutes, all in favor.
Items for discussion:
1. Accepting Brad Bowman as a new member- induction would be at September meeting. Brad has already paid his dues.  Discussion on the process of new members.  They should be invited to a general meeting to meet everyone then the membership should vote. This policy should be reviewed and the protocol be adopted by all members. This will be discussed at the first meeting and Brad will be inducted at the September 25th meeting.
2. Dinner meetings for the 2019/2020. We need to sit down with the people at the Radisson and see what the charges will be. Lion Annette and Lion Kelly will find out options at Radisson and BLC.  Lion Annette will make Lion Dick aware.  Options are:
o Community room at Burger King
o Elderwood
o Moose meeting with Merritton
3. LCI eligibility for matching service grant because of the new members we added in April-June. This can be requested after they have been members for a year, next June.
4. Update on kids picnic for 2020. Possibility of a rain date, the following Wednesday. A cancel needs to be called 25 hours prior to the date so that buses can be canceled. In 2019 Lion Annette received a phone call from 3 large groups to cancel, due to weather.  We will look into a rain date with Sig at the BLC. Outstanding bills, were deposit for the tent, $75 that they are supposed return to us, popcorn $125 that was forgiven. Paper products, hotdog sleeves, cups napkins, tang, these items can be used next year and at the spaghetti dinner.  Everything else was able to be canceled, thanks to Lion Annette.
5. Briefing on speaker for 9/25, Ms. Nichols from the Jerico Rd Community Health Center She will present on the Vive Shelter and specifically the 150 people from Dem Rep of Congo and Angola.  Lion Tom would like to have her talk about the wish list and needs of the Vive Shelter. Lion Kelly said that we received a thank you from Jerico Rd.
6. IRS 990-N filed and pending
7. Budget for 2019-2020 Lion Tom is doing a self-audit, but Tom would like a volunteer to review the budget and revise as needed. For an example Lion SEE program has other requirements rather than monetary. i.e. help with transportation of children. Maintain $300 in budget for adult glasses. Other funds in the budget: $500 Vision Beyond Sight Foundation, $350 purchasing and maintenance of vision screener. These funds are not needed.  Motion: Lion Tom proposes that we donate $850 to Vision Beyond Sight Foundation earmarked specifically for the child’s needs, for examinations, extra glasses, transportation. Seconded by Lion Henry. Vote: all in favor, motion passed. Lion Tom will keep the club informed.
o Special requests to be considered
o To be approved by BOD then club at September Mtg
8. Marketing the GI Lions Club- invite Lion Aron Dey (PR marketing chair for our District) to speak about club marketing. He is marketing chair for the District.
9. A schedule of meetings needs to be discussed.
10. Review of Committees:
o Program, need to assign someone as Cindy is no longer a member. LP Paul will reach out to Lion Jeanine.
? Ideas, speakers on vision aides, diabetes, retirement planning, Mike Hoplight on veterans, GI historical would come
? We reviewed the committee list and reassigned what we could.
11. Committees: The committee list was reviewed.
o Changes made were:
? Budget: addition of Lion Henry
? Bylaws: addition of Anne
? Christmas Party: Tom W, Annette and we will ask Kim P
? Installation Dinner Shelia
? Joint Meeting Committee: Tom W
? Loan Closet: Dave, Dick Tom R and ask Sarah Sweeny
? MOW: add Anne
? Members Picnic: Paul Krupa
? Membership: Paul B
? Program: LP Paul will ask Jeanine Justen
? Sunshine: Annette
? White Cane: Anne Fahning
? Zone chair is removed from committees
12. Member Chair
o Rotary is losing members
o Need to address candidates’ passions offering our assistance in reaching their goals
o Advise candidates of what we currently offer as community in our GI services.
o Perform a Community Needs Assessment to determine humanitarian needs in our community and possibly beyond
13. We would like to get Lion Pat Patterson to attend a meeting to present his 40-year longevity pin.
14. Can you help? Service provided in the Dispatch. How can we use this when we need help with a project, NFP cares. We should refer to this to see if we can help in any way.
15. Phishing attempt:  members should be careful before opening emails from LCIF official emails will end with  All other should be considered suspicious. Contact LCIF at 630-571-5466 or 630-203-3836
16. August 3 cabinet meeting summary. Ray Wheeler Foundation is currently at a surplus we can draft a $1000 matching grant. Motion: that we donate .50 cents a member, vote: all in favor.  Peace Poster, no more color pencils, Lions SEE, 60k children were screened, 20N 24,554 children with a 15% referral. Global leadership and service 3 members could come to the club to speak. Brandel Murphy is going great. Veterans affair, Mike Hoplight to speak at club.
17. A2/A20N Lions Picnic 8/11 at noon. St. David’s in Canada, Lion Tom will be going.
18. Town of Wheatfield LC steak night 8/22 6 PM 5 Senses Park 6535 Ward Rd Sanborn $15
19. Other business?
o OP club 75 diamond club anniversary. Date October 5 at OP Country Club
o Dining in the Dark, September 17 at the Hyatt
o Request from the Girl Scouts of WNY for donation, this will be brought to the club.
o WNY Independent Living, Inc request for donation this will brought to the club.
Motion to adjourn by Lion Donna, seconded by Lion Kelly:  Meeting adjourned: 8:40 PM
Grand Island Lions Club Board Meeting
September 11, 2019
Lions Kelly, Anne, Shelia, Tom W, Tom R, Annette, Dave, Henry, Dick, Donna
Self audit for treasurers reports, Welfare is in good shape, we did not give out as many checks this year as we decided that we would wait until we were contacted. The budget committee is Henry, Dick, Anne, Shelia and Tom W. Lion Tom will meet with the budget committee. General Fund is in good shape.  In part because we did not have SKP.
Requests from Young Life and Mercy Flight, Empire State games for the physically challenged. Sister’s Hospital Foundation; Dr. Andy’s Day for Kids.  We have donated to all of these causes in the past. Checks will be issued as these items are in the budget.
Lion Dick: Merritton meeting: He will take care of the caterer’s at Moose. Our club needs to be there by 6 PM to set up tables.
Protocol for new members.  The member comes to a meeting and the name is brought before the board, then accepted.   Members:  Motion to accept Brad Bowman as a member to be inducted at the next meeting.  Motion to accept, Lion Shelia, seconded by Lion Henry. All in favor.
Idea for a meeting in spring for a talk about Erie canal, we could open to the public and have dessert and coffee tea.  Possible venues were discussed.  We could consider becoming a member of the Chamber, we could join, the new Holiday Inn Express, new community room at the Nike Base, Trinity church.
Motion to adjourn:  Tom R seconded Lion Henry 9:12 Pm all in favor.
Submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee

Grand Island Lions Club Board of Directors
October 09, 2019

Meeting called to order at 8:52 by LP Anne Fahning
11 in attendance:  Lions Anne Fahning, Shelia Ferrentino, Tom Witkowski, Annette Lobl, Henry Lobl, Dave Chervinsky, Kelly McGarvey, Dick Crawford, Tom Rusert, Paul Krupa, Donna Lavallee
Discussion regarding potential new member Gloria Wise. Lion Henry: Motion made that we approve Gloria as new member, seconded by Lion Tom R, all in favor. She will be installed at the Merritton meeting. Lion George Hostick from Merritton Will install our new member. Lion Kelly will bring the packet.
Budget: Budget committee met and the proposed budget was sent out via email. Lion Tom reviewed the Welfare and General funds. Any income from the public is to go into the Welfare account. Some items were cut from the budget. Requests will be reviewed as they come in.
General Fund: We will drop Taste of GI, Garage Sale/Hotdog, we may not participate, or have is yet to be determined. We need to clarify how to replenish General Funds.
Motion to accept the budget Lion Annette, seconded by Lion Tom R. All in favor, motion passed.
Lion Paul Bassette: scholarship proposal; 
• Mark Frentzel and Paul met came up with the following proposal:
o Changing the name to “Outstanding Character and effort Scholarship” or “strength of Character and Effort Scholarship”
o This would acknowledge students that do not get the usual recognition.
o Guidance counselors/and or Principal would assist in selecting 2-3 students. The scholarship committee would select 1 student from this pool.
o The criteria for these seniors would be as listed;
? Known financial need
? Unfortunate or challenging circumstances
? 80 or above academic average
? Gives outstanding effort in school
? Has positive attitude toward school and life
? Has outstanding character traits
? Involved in community and school activities
? Plans for post-secondary education after HS graduation
• Changes after discussion. Take out the remuneration that they cannot accept any other scholarships.
• This would be in addition to the other scholarships that we award.
• Ideas: reduce the current scholarship to $1500 and then we set aside the $1000 for this new scholarship.
Motion: Lion Anne, recommend that we try both; one $1000 and 2 $500 scholarships as we used to and one $500 with the new criteria. This is contingent on what the answer is from the school district. Seconded by Lion Dick, all in favor.
The loan closet may need cleaning out.  The new items need to be cleaned and loaned items come back dirty.  Reorganization is needed.
Motion to adjourn LP Anne, seconded Lion Dave. There are 14 Merritton coming to the next meeting
Meeting was adjourned 9:44 PM
Respectively submitted by Lion Donna Lavallee
Board of Directors Meeting
November 13, 2019
Attendance:  10 LP Anne Fahning, Henry Lobl, Tom Witkowski, Kim Pressley, Kelly McGarvey, Tom Rusert, Paul Krupa, Dave Chervinsky, Dick Crawford, Donna Lavallee
Board meeting was called to order at 9 PM
Discussion: resolving the outstanding payments for placemats from the last Spaghetti Dinner, Lion Dick and Lion Tom will look at this.  We need to have this pre paid, either pay pal, square, we need to make it easy to pay, maybe Venmo account.  This can be resolved before the end of the year. 
Pat Patterson has a 40 year pin. How should we present this to him? Present it at the SKP? He is retired from the DJ business.  We have asked him to come to a meeting, however, he declined.  Lion Dick will approach this subject again an ask if he will be available at the SKP.  Lion Dick will ask if he and Mary would like to come to the Christmas Party. If he declines we will mail him the pin.
Brad Bowman and Fred Ruocco, what should we do, drop them as a member in good standing?  Brad requested that he be dropped. We will send Lion Fred an email to see what his intentions are for the remaining time this year. He may what to join another club, then he should be dropped a member in good standing, and he has a year to transfer to another club.
Should we keep one meeting during the remainder of the year as a business meeting to discuss business, marketing, etc.? Yes.
Lion Dick will talk to the Radisson regarding the Spaghetti Dinner. We are not scheduled to have a meal there until April 8, 2020. We could perhaps meet in the dining room.  We do not want to pay the $175 room fee.
District Governor Regina Cecconi and Zone chair Paul Smith are coming to the Christmas Party.
Hopeful Ways and SPCA are not in the budget will not donate at this time
Motion to adjourn Lion Paul, seconded Lion Kelly.
Meeting adjourned 9:12 PM

